Saturday, July 18, 2015

# Relationship Questions

Soul Mate Relationship Question: How long should I wait to get married?

If we are really soul mates as it has been long should the engagement be without rushing into marriage and yet waiting a reasonable amount of time?

Marriage can be a beautiful thing.  The engagement process is a beautiful time in itself what with preparing for this next stage of life where you will be united by holy matrimony.  If you feel that the natural next step is marriage, the amount of time to wait without rushing into things is when you feel it's right - trust your gut instinct.  If something is delaying the decision for you, which I feel that might be happening here, try to zero on what it is that you're waiting for or what it is that is delaying what I feel you want.  My mother-in-law told me years ago when my husband and I married to wait until we could afford to have kids.  I told her if we waited for that to happen, it would never happen.

With that said, take the time to get to know each other's quirks - the good and the bad.  What is endearing now might not be so endearing later.  Those clothes he leaves around that never make it to the hamper? You're in the pre-honeymoon stage so it may not bother you now, but after a few years of marriage and you're a neatnik, it might make a difference then. Is there total trust?  Can he go off with his buddies (and believe me it will happen) and leave you home alone?  Will you be comfortable in your own skin to understand he needs his space away from you as well as you need your space away from him from time to time?  Does he expect dinner at a certain time and you hate to cook?  Is there open communication between the two of you?  Do you sulk when things are upsetting you or does he hold things back thinking you'll blow a fuse?  The longer you are in the engagement process, the better because you are learning about one another.  From a soul mate standpoint, the two of you came together for a reason and if you could step back and figure out the reason, you're way ahead of the game. No one can predict the future, but if you listen to your inner self, you'll know when the time is right.

Good luck to you!

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