Thursday, September 17, 2015

# Books

How I Became a Soul Mate Relationship "Expert"

I know a lot of people are wondering why I go around calling myself a soul mate "expert" so today I'd like to tell you the story of how I got there.  It's a genuine question. I do not have a diploma stating that I graduated from so-and-so university majoring in soul mates so why would people actually believe what I had to say had any merit?

I'll explain.

We are all born with certain gifts.  It might be the ability to see things that aren't there or even the ability to perceive things that they have no way of knowing.  In 2003, I had the privilege of talking to a well-known psychic, Robert Egby, who actually teaches those who seek to learn how to become a psychic by trade.

In one of our conversations, I asked him if he were wearing brown shoes.  It was an image that popped into my head.  He replied, "Yes." I also asked him if there was a gold framed picture on the wall near him (we were talking online) and, again, he replied, "yes" and then asked me why I asked.

I told him that I could "see" these things and wanted to know if perhaps they were definitely there. 

He then told me that I have the gift of being spacial clairsentient.  I asked him what that meant and he said, "To see afar things that aren't in front of you."

I thought how cool was that?  I didn't even know I had the ability to do this.  What do I even do with it?

It was after this conversation with Robert when I wondered just how may people out there had gifts they didn't know about?  Do these gifts randomly show themselves?  Are there signs all along and we have been ignoring them all this time?  Do they just pop up out of the blue?  Is there a certain time when they show themselves like Carrie in the movie of the same name who was tormented by her peers and when she got to the breaking point her talent showed itself? Do we run and hide or embrace our gift?  So many things ran through my mind.

But, you see, my ability to know about soul mates is correlated to this gift.  Ever since Robert and I spoke, I delved into my innerself - with meditating and private soul talks.  Not so new agey; I'm sure everyone takes time to reflect, step back and figure out their own lives from time to time - you can call it what you want.

After someone dear to me died years ago, I tended to do this quite often and this was the beginning of the whole soul mate thing.  I've had people die in my life as everyone else had, but this was what I believed to be my twin soul.  Don't ask me how I know; I just know.

When he died, I still didn't know anything about soul mates; at least that's what I believed.  I had had several failed relationships, but I never once gave up hope.  I didn't even really know what a soul mate was at the time except for it being someone who you were meant to be with.  Other than that and due to my failed relationships, I didn't quite qualify for being any kind of expert.

About a week after my twin soul died, I had one of those dreams that felt very real.  I know you all have woken up from a dream feeling like it was real; well, that's what happened.  I had heard a voice - his voice.  No images.  The voice told me to write down our story to show the world what soul mates were really all about and to not only do that, but tell the world about other soul mate relationships.  It was more of a mission; or at least, that's what I thought at the time.  It was still dark outside and I turned on the computer, wrote down what I was told, closed it up and went back to bed.

The next morning, I remembered the dream and when I opened up the computer, there was the beginnings of a book I was to call Romancing the Soul.  So it was at that moment, I felt "awakened" and knew this was my calling.

I never thought much about having a "calling."  I wasn't an overly religious person.  I believed in a higher force and that was about it.  I never considered myself to be any special than anyone else.  I worked hard, paid my dues and tried to live life to the fullest.  Relationships?  Ugh.  They were something I still didn't understand, but it was that day that Romancing the Soul was born that I found something in my life that had meaning and that I was very passionate about.  Passion for something is the driving force to finding out what you want out of life. For the first time in my life, I knew this was something I was intended to do, but I still wasn't quite there yet. 

I happened to be in a bookstore on vacation and I picked up a book called EDGAR CAYCE ON SOUL MATES by Kevin J. Todesh and I read it.  That book helped open my eyes to the reason why my twin soul came into my life in the first place.  It was then I realized that there are people who come into your life who aren't meant to be twin souls - other people who give your life meaning.  There are soul journeys everyone is on from the day they are born and it is all these people who help you grow and mature and reach higher self (happiness). Sure there are detours; but it's those detours that are supposed to help you learn certain things you are supposed to learn.  When you are on a path you are supposed to be on and you hit those detours, but get back on the path, that's when you know you are going in the right direction and everything works out from there.  It was all making sense.

So, I started my book, Romancing the Soul.  Built a website.  Got a publisher which was an interesting story in itself.  Just like any author, I believed in my book.  I knew that there was a message that was never written.  No one had put together a book of true soul mate stories and divided them in categories - Karmic, Companion and Twin Soul - so that the reader can read each story in each category to determine which soul mate they had in their own lives at the present time and learn from it.  I knew this book gave hope to those not believing in soul mates.  I was in an online writing group and I happened to mention I had a book I wanted to get out there and I knew it would sell even if I had to put card tables in my front yard and sell them from there.  A publisher, Liz Burton of Zumaya Publications, happened to be in the group and she emailed me offline.  She told me to send her the whole book, not just the synopsis, which was quite exhilarating in itself.  Someone finally understood my message!  The rest is history and the book came out shortly after.

Before long, I became well known in the subject because it was so different.  The editor from OK! Magazine (the supermarket tabloid) interviewed me by phone on the Jennifer Aniston and whoever she was with at the time relationship and a week later my quote ended up in the tabloid. 

I was interviewed on many radio shows and appeared in many magazines - offline and on.  People were emailing me with their soul mate questions for which I have compiled into a new book, Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Soul Mates...And Were NOT Afraid to Ask.  My publisher emailed me not too long ago for a second Romancing the Soul book and I have other books in my files waiting to be published.  Is this my calling as well?

I don't believe that everything you find out about life can be found in text books and a lot is learned through life experiences and tuning into your innerself.  I also don't believe you need a college degree to know that this can't be learned through intuition and an incredible foresight.  Experience plays a major role in becoming good at what you do.  They say practice makes perfect and I believe if you believe in yourself, you will find the answers to whatever you are looking for.  The key is to find out how to unlock the door.

I've talked to people who are looking for their soul mate and they tell me that after all their searching, they still can't find theirs and this makes me sad because I know there are soul mates out there for them. If you have a question on soul mates, please write to me at or click on the link in the tab bar that says "Submit Your Question" and I will try to help you find the answers you are looking for. If you would like to pick up the first book in the ROMANCING THE SOUL series, you can find at Amazon at

May all your soul mate dreams come true!

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