Beautiful Quotes About Soul Mates #soulmates #relationships #advice

12:00 AM 0 Comments
 Beautiful Quotes About Soul Mates

“A soulmate is the one person whose love is powerful enough to motivate you to meet your soul, to do the emotional work of self-discovery, of awakening.” – Kenny Loggins

“In all the world, there is no heart for me like yours. In all the world, there is no love for you like mine.” – Maya Angelou

“A soulmate is someone to whom we feel profoundly connected, as though the communicating and communing that take place between us were not the product of intentional efforts, but rather a divine grace.” – Thomas Moore

“Most people have more than one soulmate. A soulmate can come in the form of a life partner, friend, child, or lover. A soul mate can be someone with whom you share a spiritual path, a joint work in the world, or a commitment to be parents to certain souls. It can be one whose growth you are sponsoring, such as a child.” – Sanaya Roman

Why Playing the Field is a Great Way to Find Your Soul Mates #soulmates #relationship #advice

8:33 AM 0 Comments

Why Playing the Field is a Great Way to Find Your Soul Mates

Don’t believe in soul mates? Do you believe that playing the field is the lifestyle that suits you best instead of being tied down to one person?

You’re in luck. Dating more than one person is actually healthy for you and the perfect way to find your soul mates regardless of whether you’re looking or not.

The soul mate spiritual connection is what everyone is seeking whether they realize it or not. Once bit, they no longer keep looking for others which fulfill them. It’s very hard to fight the connection and depending on the situation they don’t fight it.

Playing the field also opens you up to finding more soul mates – different soul mates – each with different purposes in your life. Settling down with the first person you see closes the door to finding your other soul mates who are meant to help solve the complexities of your life in order to continue your upward spiral to finding Higher Self in which you should be heading toward.

Happiness comes in all shapes and sizes and so do your soul mates. Get out there and mingle – those connections are out there waiting for you!

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Sex can get better with age?

5:59 PM 0 Comments

At 59, Julie Rose Wells has sex at least two to six times a week.

Wells, who is based in Idaho, says over time, sex is still just as exciting as it was when she was younger.

“I don’t think that has changed for me,” she tells Global News. “[There is still] the touching, kissing and feeling each other.”

Sex can get better with age, but it all depends on how well we understand and cater to our changing bodies. And even though we all age, sex as a senior is still often stigmatized, says relationship expert Christina Jay of Preferred Match. Jay says the stigma of seniors being sexually active exists because we haven’t embraced aging.

Read the rest of article at Global News.

I Do, I Do: It all goes back to the tie-dye

9:42 AM 0 Comments
When Ashley Simon met Charles LaPrade, they both showed up wearing tie-dye shirts. That colorful coincidence was an instant connection that just kept getting stronger. It was June 2012 and they were both attending a mutual friend’s birthday celebration weekend in South Carolina. Ashley and Charles immediately noticed each other, not just because of the shirts. As Ashley remembers, “Pretty quickly we felt that we were soul mates. It was just way different than any interaction with another human being I had ever had before.” Charles felt the same. “We just kind of clicked.”

Read the rest of article at

The Three Stages of Mending a Broken Heart #dating #advice

10:57 AM 0 Comments

You've been dumped. Short of throwing yourself off the nearest bridge, you resort to hiding in your bed for days, comforted only by the fact that at least you have a year's supply of Moonpies by your bedside and your answering machine is on the alert in the hopeful case that your once loved one might call and beg to have you back.

Only, that call never comes and that box of Moonpies? It's a constant reminder that the emptier it gets, the more bloated you are. But, you don't care. You wish the earth would open you up and swallow you whole. Sound familiar?

Cases like this happens everyday.

Falling in love has its risks and you've just experienced it first hand. You want your life back but don't know the first thing about how to get out of that black cloud that hovers over you, or even finding the energy to do it.

What do you do?

Acknowledge the fact that you have to go through three different stages during a break-up. Once you realize this, you can chart your progress and see that it's only a short trip to recovery.

STAGE ONE - The Hurting Stage
Symptoms: This is the hurting stage. It's where you are now. It's your heart's way of telling you that you have just experienced the worse kind of hurt there is. You cry, you're depressed and you have no idea how you are going to live without him/her. You leave messages on his answering machine and text him to the point where you are becoming psycho. You drive by his house in the wee early morning to see if his vehicle is still at his house or he is - gulp - off with another woman. You drive by where he works and contemplate going in and crying your eyeballs out to let him know this has hurt you beyond repair. You either eat tremendous amounts of comfort food or you don't eat at all and your health suffers. You cry on your co-worker's shoulders and hope they can help you get out of this mess. You are, essentially, gone and a hopeless mess.

How to cope: Now more than ever would be a good time to hang out with a close friend and watch a few comedies, even though you just aren't up to it. Force yourself. Rekindle family relationships. Talk to older family members about how they met their husbands/wives and how they coped with troubled relationships. Gain insight from them. Try to remember things that brought you happiness. Was it a bike ride through the countryside? A trip to the beach even in the cold of winter just to watch the waves lap against the shore? How about that closet that is in desperate need of rearranging/cleaning/sorting? Now is the time to focus on you.

You have to acknowledge that this is the normal process of grieving a relationship that has died. Nothing can really help at this point because as with the death of a loved one, this is the same feeling. It's a natural process. Give it time and remember that soon you will enter the second stage.

THE SECOND STAGE - The Getting Even Stage
Symptoms: Remarkably, when your heart begins to heal, your hurt turns to anger. What nerve he/she had to dump me! You vow you're going to make his/her life a living hell as long as you are alive. You start dating. Only, these are rebounds. Rebound relationships most times happen in this second stage. Some last, but most do not for the simple reason that you will do anything in your power to inflict pain on the one who did it to you.

How to cope: Once you get to this stage, you're halfway there. Even though anger is not a healthy feeling to have, it is a normal reaction after you've gotten over the feeling of hurt. However, instead of going postal and risk the chance you may do something you'll regret later, take his/her picture and throw darts at it. Burn love letters. Finalize the break-up by getting rid of everything you have of his/hers. But keep in mind that years from now, you'll wish you did have some kind of remembrance of the relationship because it's all part of your life history. Whatever you do keep, look at it as a symbol of how well you did cope and can look at the relationship as a learning experience.

STAGE THREE - The Not Giving a Damn Stage
Symptoms: You wake up one morning and ask yourself what you saw in this person in the first place. Nothing he/she does now bothers you. In fact, you are happy he/she has left because you are ready now to form new relationships, new loves.

How to Cope: You are there. When you hit this last stage, you have finally come to the point where you can go on from here and form new relationships. Relationships that aren't rebound. When you finally get to this last stage, you will become the person you once were - full of happiness, hope and a quest for life.

Once you realize the three stages of a break-up, it helps you to understand the process that is involved. Just as it took time to fall in love, you don't just fall out of it overnight.

It helps to remember that there will always be a tomorrow and that there is always that second chance to find that special person who is meant to share his/her life with you. Life is full of second, third and even more chances. So, pick up your heart, go through the process to heal and chalk it all up to experience. You'll be glad you did. In the words of an unknown author, "Never forget what is worth remembering or remember what is best forgotten."

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